
I placed my bed next to my window. I leave my window open. This way I can pretend I'm camping. Take that New York City!
Who else wishes orange juice was a significant source of dietary fiber? Yeah! Then we wouldn't have to eat so much brocoli -- yeah I misspelled the vegetable. I wouldn't have to even mention the green item if orange juice provided large amounts of dietary fiber.
Hey who else loses respect for something or someone who is enjoyed by someone you have no respect for? For instance your 8 years old and find out the girl who picks her nose and eats likes the radio station z100. Now you can't. Or you discover a talentless, brainless, barely attractive social climber enjoys breathing, if her dumb ass likes inhaling oxygen and other atmospheric gases I can't respect the atmosphere any longer. In fact I don't want to eat vegetables now knowing that her carbon dioxide aided in their photosynthesis. What's crazy is I doubt she knows what photosynthesis means."
I'm a foot shooter. I shoot myself in the foot alot. And so I warn. "DON'T FALL IN LOVE WITH ME."


Will McKinley said…

Too late.
