Sexy new Lingerie

I met up with my best friend, Anna, last night at a show in Brooklyn. When we met she told me she had a revelation: She was single because she chose to be. The world doesn't reject her but she rejects the world. She had pedaled her bike to the show she was performing on last night. I tried taking a picture of her on her bike with all her bike accoutrements, but she wouldn't stay still. So when we got back to my apartment for eats I put on her bike gear.

The point of the picture is to illustrate my doubt about her revelation. I don't know that it's a choice that's she's single. I've been off the dating market for years now, so maybe I don't know what the 20-30something lads are into. Perhaps a man sees a lady with her jeans tucked into her socks, and he is overcome with passion. Nothing says safe sex like a helmet. And in all fairness the bike jacket looks better on Anna. Glow in the dark doesn't really go with my eyes like it does with her eyes.


Will McKinley said…
I think you look like a female Lance Armstrong, and he seems to do pretty well with the opposite sex.
Anonymous said…
Make sure you wear that tonight!
rachael said…
Will, so maybe Anna is just shooting herself in the foot with the gentlemen.

Jack, Anna took her bike stuff home. How about I wear nothing?
