Signs Signs Everywhere Signs and Email

My dear friend Anna sent a sincere, apolgetic, peace offering email to a former romantic partner. She soberly composed the email and clicked the send button. Anna has not been the most emotionally mature person, so this was a big step for her. She woke up the next day to find this message in her email inbox: From Postmaster Dameon, "This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification. THIS IS A WARNING MESSAGE ONLY. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESEND YOUR MESSAGE. Delivery to the following recipients has been delayed."


Nice try Anna.

I laughed when she told me. She said, "I can't believe this shit. I thought I'd be waiting a week to to see if he responded, instead I'm waiting a week for another message from the Postmaster telling me the email never went through at all."
"Why don't you just resend it?"
"The postmaster told me not to. Don't fuck with the postmaster, Rachael. The email could have gone through. If it did and I resend, then I'm psycho."
"Yes, Anna that's what would make you a psycho resending an email."
"I don't even think it matters at this point. I feel better just knowing I wrote it."

Another friend suggested that it was a sign from the universe. This thesis pissed off Anna, "What kind of sign? A sign that I shouldn't express remorse to another human? Or that I should stop using my hotmail account and just use the gmail? Did the Universe dump its stock in Microsoft and buy a 1000 shares of Google? A sign. Maybe it's a one way sign or a yield sign. Children at play drive slow."

Our friend then ran away. I just kept laughing.


I like the idea that it's a yield sign.

Your stories about Anna are f-ing funny.
Anonymous said…
Did she send to aol? aol sucks. My sister and mom both have it and I get those messages all the time. He got it, he just didn't get it the milli-second after she hit send.
rachael said…
Indeed it was AOL. And it did eventually get through. I wonder what the Universe was trying to say there.
