They Pay You?

The other day an audience member proclaimed to be a professional housewife. Is that just another term for whore?

Does a professional house wife get health insurance and 401K? I think perhaps she a volunteer housewife, like a volunteer firefighter. Or maybe the household intern. A household intern that's not bad. She gets meals, granted she has to prepare them. Unlike other internships there is no photocopying or data entry, sweet. You might even get a movie stipend. Granted you have to go see "Toy Story 8: Tom Hanks Finally Buries the Memory of Jimmy Stuart." I imagine household interning has the worst hours of any internship-- 24 hours a day on call (that kind of sucks.).


amanda bee said…
Technically speaking, she probably does get a 401K and Health Insurance, assuming she is married to a professional something-other-than-housewife. Community Property, it is called. I come from California, where things are a wee bit more enlightened (we have, for instance, no fault divorce there) but I am pretty sure that even New York is a community property state. So even if he bails, she is entitled to half of the 401k.
rachael said…
Thank you Amanda Bee for the info and setting me straight. So you read here first ladies: if you want to get paid as a house wife all you need to do is marry and divorce a professional, but not a freelance professional.
