Gay Flight. Straight Persecution. A Single Lady's NYC Utopia

It's hard to be a single woman in New York City. Supposedly, (I have not bothered to find sited data myself) women out number men in New York. Further adding to the problem for the single straight gal is the high percentage of gay men living here. It's a high percentage relative to the rest of the country. And this is why I support gay marriage. This is why I want the right wing religious freaks to stop hating on gay people--well at least gay men. I want the rest of the country to start making their small towns and medium sized cities alot more gay friendly and alot less straight friendly. It's time that middle America started chastising single straight men for their love of women and lack of marriage. These straight men need to be teased and harassed and made to feel unwelcome. This way straight, single men will feel the need to flee their home towns so they can live true to themselves in the liberal and tolerant New York City. This has a two fold effect beneficial to my straight single lady friends. 1) Gay men get to live out there lives in their home towns and do not have to move to the dangerous and over priced New York city. Which means, 2) There will be more housing available for the down trodden and persecuted straight single man who will be coming to New York city in droves just looking to love without feeling ashamed.

And I would like to take a moment and commend New Jersey for legalizing gay civil unions, enticing gay men to leave the city and start a nice quite suburban life with 2.5 kids, a fenced yard, and dog. Now if NJ would just bann straight marriage my single sisters might have a prayer.

