
There's a common belief that consuming a great deal of alcohol to escape problems is futile. "The problems are still there when you sober up." That's true. Usually, your problem will still be waiting for you after your night or day of drinking is done. However, you didn't have to deal with your problem for the 2-5 hours you were drinking.

If a person sleeps 8 hours a day that leaves 16 hours left/per day that a person has to deal with their problems. If a person drinks for five hours that person still has 11 hours to deal with problems. So, what's the problem?

Here's my analogy. It's like someone saying, "Hey, you can have your weekends off, but your work is still going to be there when you get back." Absolutely true, but you still need a break from work. You can't work all your waking hours. If you did you'd need a drink or five.


Anonymous said…
Here. Here!

And people often forget that the pain of a 40 hour work week can be quickly erased by just 1 hour of drinking.

30 minutes, even, if you do it right!
