A Night in the Life

Thursday night I agreed to play the basement of a bar in Brooklyn. The text message I received read, "there's some audience. It's good. Come on by." So I hopped on my bike ready present my jokes to "some audience." I wasn't two minutes into my set when things began to go awry.

The audience had been lead to believe the comedian before me was the last comedian. Then the host after doing 10 more minutes of comedy brought me up. "But we wanted play pool," some of the patrons groaned. I wanted to be offended but in all fairness the pool table had a spot light, but I did not.

Skip ahead two minutes. A dude wearing a hoody crossed infront of me to place his quarters in the pool table. The balls roucously came pounding down into the alley (or whatever it that thing is called where pool balls hang out when not on the table.). Then the hoodied dude, did not play pool. He decided to talk loudly to two young ladies. Fine. Until he said to me, "Take it off." I answered his request by grabbing a pool cue, turning to him and asking, "Take off what? Your head." I then proceeded to use the pool cue as bo inches from his person and stopped with a thrust a centimeter away from his face. I through the cue back down on the pool table and launched back into my jokes to a silence and obviously impressed audience.

It was a magical evening people. I got to peform to of my favorite things in one night--comedy, and karate. It's not everynight I get to do that.

