Fozzie Bear Under Appreciated Comedian

I performed at an open mic in Brooklyn Sunday night at a family-friendly cafe. I sat in a comfortable little chair before the mic commenced and watched children walk in and out of the performance space. I decided to write a joke that would allow me to vibe with kids if any happened to be present during my set. Here is the joke I wrote. "Who here hates baths? God, I hate baths, especially after a chicken dinner. You have to worry about contracting salmenella from the kitchen sink. Yeah, you know how kids get bathed in sink when they're small. God, it"s lame it's so cramped in the kitchen sink. My neck gets a crook in it, good thing our bones aren't fully hardened yet."

I told thetabove joke despite the fact that there weren't any children present when I began my set. The adults in the room loved it. Which just goes to show my comedy is universal. My set remained child free until I began relaying a sex story. Just as I was quoting a gentleman who said, "Suck my cock." A 5 year old boy and his mom walked in the room. Comedy: It's all about timing.

