More Fun with Google

Have you ever googled the question, "who loves Rachael Parenta?" or "who loves Rachel Parenta?" I ask the second question to cover all my bases. There are people out there who misspell my name. For all of you who only asked the first question I reccommend you go back and ask the second one as well. You would think that if someone loved me they would know the correct spelling of my name, but those in love are also prone to typos. I don't know about you guys, butI figured google knows more than the magic 8.

For those of you who have wanted to google those questions but were too scared here's what I found out. The top google result was this blog. For years now I thought I hated myself. Turns out not so much. In fact I love myself more than anyone else on the internet. In more surpising news my parents did not appear at all. This news hit me pretty hard last night, but I'm doing better now. I realize it's better to finally know the truth than continue living the lie I have been for 28 years and 10 months.

Another high ranking result was Virginia Hopeful Adoptive Parents - Jim & Rachel VA. Parent Profiles.

That's crazy. I don't even remember meeting these people. But sometimes love doesn't make any sense.

Enjoy Cinco de Mayo.

