Parenta Code

"Rachael," you're saying to me through your computer screen, "When I read this blog day in and day out, fanatically, I find information found in some posts conflict with information found in other posts. Sometimes you talk about having dated someone recently, but then you talk about how in love you are with your boyfriend, Jack. And, Rachael what's with that completely nuts best friend of yours, Anna?"

Today I will try to explain to you the labrynth that is ....The ParentaCode. I would say it's very similar to the forthcoming movie based on the book by the same title, The Davinci Code. However, I've not read that book nor have I seen the movie. And I doubt I will see that movie. So the ParentaCode is based on what I thought the Davinci Code was about before I saw some of the movie trailers. I now know that the Davinci Code has a murder mystery in it. The Parenta Code has no murder mystery. Not yet anyway. Though, I do reserve the right to kill someone, cover it up, and then plant clues to my crime on this blog. We're getting ahead of ourselves here.

There are contradictions on this blog my astitute readers because there are contradictions in the bible, and this blog is nothing if not epic. If you read Genisus you'll notice two Adam and Eve stories back to back. One has them being created at the same time and the other has Eve created from Adam's rib. Yeah, holy shit! So if God can have two truths then why not Parenta? And unlike the divine one I'm not so lazy as to have other people right my stupendous tale for me. I don't think any of those writers got paid. God's kind of like Viacom that way, cheap and exploitive. Don't get me wrong at this point I'd love to be exploited by Viacom because unlike God they do pay something.

So my understanding of the Davinci Code is that there were hidden messages about God in the bible and Davinci knew all about it and then painted hidden messages about the hidden messages in his paintings. Literate people could decode the bible while illiterate people could decode the pretty pictures. If a person "broke" the code then that person was previe to more information. More information is fun. And that's just as it is here at "smallhands ick." There are secret messages placed in these blogposts except they're not about God or Davinci or sculptures. They're about another great diety--me.

The ParentaCode was designed to passive aggressively desseminate information to people or persons who may or may not read the blog. Who may or may not care about what is blatantly written never mind what has secretly been encoded. Then ParentaCode scholars along with the general public read these post, but only the scholars and the people or persons whom these messages were directed detect said messages, possibly.

For example, if you take the post about my grandmother suggesting I become a professional animal impersonator rearrange the letters and sentences you will get completely different words and sentence. I have no idea what they are, but my subconscious might. So you can decode messages I don't even know I've placed.

Another example, if we take my post entitled "Odyseus" where Jack comes home from his long journey it can be ascertained by ParentaCode scholars that I am indeed educated and to some extent smart, despite my glaring errors in spelling and grammar. I was able to see how the 100% true events that unfolded in my own life paralleled that of the Greek epic, The Odyssey.

I think it's all very clear now. Wow, that was a lot easier than I thought.

