Super Duper

Today is Super Tuesday. Which means a bunch of states are holding their presidential primaries today. Several states including New York and New Jersey moved their primaries to today. Prior to this year these states held their primaries in the summer, and by the time they got to vote the candidates for both parties were already decided. So now they're voting in February. But it looks like the Tri-State area has been punk'd because most of the candidates have dropped out of the race already and it's not even March. Ha Ha.

I was thinking about this country of ours and I don't understand how Iowa's caucus is the first presidential delegate to be held. The US had been voting for presidents since the 1700s but Iowa's only been a state since 1846. Did I miss the history lesson where the Iowans did battle with Delaware to be the first state? I know Delaware isn't known for it's toughness but how does it lose the battle of Presidential Deciders to a state made up of 6 farmers? Apparently, it did.

But it's still a very special election because we have a white woman and black man still looking for a nomination. Finally women and African Americans can feel like white people at the ballad box and think, "Wow, this candidate looks like me, and yet we have nothing in common because I have soul." At least women and blacks can feel secure knowing that women and African American candidates are equal to whites in that they will sell the populace's interests to the highest corporate bidder.

