Threes Company

Roommate Good has left town for a week and half to take pictures in Colorado. Now it's just me and Roommate Bad in the apartment. Let the passive agressive games begin. Yehaw!

I have been hording rolls of toilet paper in my bedroom for a couple weeks waiting for this moment. In an exercise of biting my nose to spite my face I'll cart the toilet paper back and forth from the bathroom to ensure my nether regions are hygenically sound, while depriving roommate bad of such luxury. He has never contributed to the toilet paper supply of the apartment. He's going to have to now. It's that or nasty underwear. I guess he could alway refrain from a bowel movement. That's probably what that lathargic troglodite will choose. Damn Him!

Yesterday was the third day they sat in the sink. I couldn't take it anymore. I thought of taking the dirty dishes and putting them on his bed, but I don't know when he washed his sheets last. I didn't want to touch them on the chance I might contract the bubonic plague, nor do I want contaminate the dishes, which once cleaned will share cabinet space with the rest of the dishes and glassware. I've just left them. Yup. Just left them there. They just sit there undone-- filthy-- waiting to attract vermon. I wanted to say to him, "Since Roommate Good is in Colorado, and therefore, can't clean up after you do you think that at least for the week you ould clean up after yourself? Maybe even delegate the job to your girlfriend?" Instead I just said, "Hey could you clean your dishes, today?" He said, "No." So I did his dishes. But I haven't thrown out the trash from the bathroom. And it's kind of overflowing. One tissue has fallen over the side and sits at the base of the sink. I'm not picking it up. I'm not. Not today at least. I'm in NJ working until Wednesday. But I'm pretty sure when I go back there I won't be picking up that tissue. Unless of course it starts getting mildewy.

I still have the toilet paper hording. That's got to get his goat. I wish he had a goat at least the goat would eat the garbage so I wouldn't always have to take the garbage out.

Can't he just die already?


Will McKinley said…
I think you are an angry person.
Anonymous said…
I think Roommmate Bad sounds like a dick. Does he have 40 billion moldy books that he never reads? Because if so, I have definitely lived with that guy.
Sassan Sanei said…
I had a roommate like that in a former life (1993). I kicked her out after about two months of living in filth. I'm kind of a slob myself but this was disgusting.

Please do yourself a favour and get rid of Roommate Bad, or move, now, because it's only going to get worse. I don't know what difficulty that's going to cause as far as the lease goes, but it would probably be the lesser of two evils.
