Mondays with Flo

My paternal grandmother's mental agility is not what it once was. Doctors recently diagnosed her with diabetes. When her blood sugar is out of whack her mind gets a little foggy. Now, I could let this get me down or I could embrace the situation. Sure she's the one suffering with diabetes but why should that stop me from making it about me? I should have some fun too. Right? Right.

Last time I visited my grandparents I sat and chatted with Nana. (Please note that this is NOT the grandmother who called me a "shit ass.") Here's a snippet of our conversation. Imagine my grandmother played by Jack Lemmon in drag. Think of it as "Some like it Hot" meets "Tuesday's with Morie." (Everything is a movie pitch these days.)

"Rachael, do have to be somewhere later?"
"Yeah, Nan. I have to go tell jokes in the east village."
"Oh that's nice. I wish I could go. Don't get old Rachael it sucks."
"I'll try not to."
"So what are you doing later?"
"Telling jokes."
"Oh that's good."
"Do you have to leave soon?"
"Well, yeah. Ya, see I have to go down to NASA and train to be an Astronaut so that tomorrow I can explore the outer reaches of space. It's an accelerated program."
"Wow. That's nice. You girls today with your careers. All I ever wanted was to have my own house."
"I guess you're a success."
"Your best friend Anna getting married soon?"
"Ahh. I don't think so. I think first she's going to have to date someone longer than 3 months."
"Tell her it's OK. Being married isn't so great, they don't tell you that when you're younger. No need to rush into it. So what are you doing later?"
"I'm going to a take a tour of a science laboratory in hopes that an experiment goes very wrong and I end up with superpowers. Then I'll fight crime and seek revenge on all those who've done me wrong."
"Oh that's nice. You really work hard, Rachael."
"I try. OK. I guess I better head out."
"Oh? Where are you off too?"
"I hear fire engines in Brooklyn and I have to go rescue a herd of cats caught in the tree growing in Brooklyn."
"Sounds like fun. I wish I could go rescue cats; get out of this god damn house once in a while. But I'd probably get dizzy. We'll have to go get lunch soon. When you coming back?"
"I don't know. Soon."
"Enjoy telling superhero jokes in space while rescuing kittys."
"Will do."


For any of you who are interested in the Answer to Will's question, "Where the title of this blog came from?" I've linked to a long ago post that may or may not shed some light on the subject.
Behind the Title


Will McKinley said…
Thank you for the explanation. It's all clear now.
Ugarles said…
Speaking of titles, I was sure that this was going to be a post about "women's issues." I have no idea why I kept reading.
rachael said…
Urgate, It's too bad my grandmother's name isn't Morie.
K. said…
Wow. I have been reading your blog for a long time. I was a loyal fan when you first posted the "Behind the Title" entry. Do I get any brownie points or something?
rachael said…
I'll give you actual brownies. You earned them. I appreciate your readership and your endurance through all my typos and heinous spelling errors.
