A show I'm doing next week

ok . I'm performing at the reading series show, WYSIWYG, the 25th. This show sells out, so if you want to go you should buy tickets soon. Good thing most of you don't want to go.

This weekend I finished writing the rough draft of the essay I'll be reading at the show. My editors are having a go at it as I type and you read. I think there are two funny lines in the piece so come and see if you can figure out which one's they are. If you think I'm a little nutty now, wait until you hear this one.


Tuesday, October 25, at 7:30 p.m. at P.S. 122
150 1st Ave. at East 9th St.

Tickets are $7 — call P.S. 122 at 212-477-5288 for more information


Ed Hamilton (legends.typepad.com)

Julia Langbein (brunidigest.blogspot.com)

Liam McEneaney (kidliam.blogspot.com)

Rachael Parenta (rparenta.blogspot.com)

Chris Trent (iswutitis.blogspot.com)

And a musical performance by
Chris Alonzo (livejournal.com/users/christastrophe) and
his band Ghost Runner (ghostrunnernyc.com)


Will McKinley said…
I'm going to try to come to this just to prove you wrong.
rachael said…
I am rarely proved wrong.
Mr. McKinley, you are on, sir.
