More Life lessons from Millionaire

On October 4, 2005 I relayed a life lesson to my journal. I now type it to the blog so that the internet literati do not have to my death, when my journals will be published post-mortem, to benefit from my great wisdom. Do not fight the erudition I impart. According to that astrology book Destiny my life rambles down the path of "Instructor." According to the Birthday book, I was born on the day of the "Persuader" so if you do fight me you will loose.

Back in October I watched an episode of "Who wants to be a Millionaire" because that's the way I roll. I eat vegetables in my scramble eggs while watching morning game shows. Stop feeling inferior one day you may also achieve such greatness. Just keep working hard. On the show a contestant had to tell an anecdote. This contestant told a story of a bad blind date. The contestant did not in anyway seem scarred by the experience. Meredeth, the host, then consoles our non-traumatized yarn spinner by saying, "You don't need him. He's not worth the effort."

Meredith, of course she doesn't need him. Proof: she does not have him and she is not dead. She needs a more interesting story. Well, not need, perhaps use a better story-- that's a different topic. The only things she and any of us need are water, shelter, and food. And if you really, think about it, Meredith, those so called necessities won't prevent us from eventually dying. No matter what you eat or who you date or who you eat you will eventually die. We as people need nothing, or conversely we need something none of us have ever gotten. Or perhaps we have this mysterious something but someone we all screw up, wind up loosing it, and then of course die. Or that something isn't even on Earth. It sure as hell isn't a million dollars which this contestant didn't come close to winning.

Further, I don't think you, Meredith, telling this young woman that she should not bother to put effort forth toward a young man she never did put effort towards will keep her alive indefinitely. Basically she doesn't need your cliched advice. But what if she did put forth effort towards courting this young man, then surely it was worth it, even if it wasn't needed. If she put effort forth then obviously she liked him. And if she liked him she should put effort forth. I'd I agree that if she put effort toward this young man and didn't like him that would be foolish. But who does that, Meredith? Besides Barbara Walters. We all know Barbara is a sociopath who would do anything to string someone along just for the attention. I don't have to tell you that Meredith, you work with that heartbreaker. You're contestants, however, are not so cruel and crushing.

Lesson: You need love like you need a whole in the head; like you need water; like you need food or shelter; like you need to tell a lame blind-date story to that Meredith.

Sub Lesson: Barbara Walters will cut you just to watch you bleed.


Anonymous said…
My voice teacher's husband is trying to get on "Millionaire," and every time he goes to the tryouts, he puts down a completely fake "wacky" anecdote.
