Misspeller Unite

I have a sitetracker so I know you're reading, don't even try to pretend you're not. The site tracker informs me of how people found the smallhands_ick. Whether you got here from a link on Will McKinley's blog

or some other website or blog. It also let's me know if a google search got you here. Such as "Gabriel Byrne's girlfriend." But other searches have been much more fruitful for smallhands_ick. Did you know that if you google search the word "oozies" my blog is the first site listed? I know this because of the number of Canadians that have clicked on over here from that search. Now if I had used the proper spelling of the automatic machine gun, which I think is Uzi, I doubt I ever would have been found by my Canadian non-spelling bretheren. There are quite a few people out there who also spell a certain serial killer's name this way, Jeffery Domar.

I think this is the way it should be. I don't know that my writing really speaks to those spelling bee champs. My audience consists of people who will not be confined by the English language's spelling rules. No, we are freedom fighters. We are the none spellers.

