
Hey everyone. There is a change to the performance calander. My appearance at Rififi tonight has been postponed until next week, I think there is a comedian very very intimidated by me and was scared to perform on the same stage as me in fear that he could never follow me. People, it's hard being a comedy powerhouse. Some say I'm being paranoid and having delusions of grandeur. To them I say, "You're lucky I'm the only one who can hear you otherwise, I'd give you such a smack."

However, if you really need a Parenta comedy fix check out Timeout NY this week. They've printed my picture and a joke in there. Hopefully that will tide you over until next Thursday.


Mistress of Revels said…
Congrats on your print media comedy debut!!
rachael said…
I can't believe you were in nyc and you didn't bother to call. Now, I'm glad they didn't run the nude photos I gave them.
