Sing my Amore

There is a song lyric, "I love you more than life." Is that a compliment? Only if the person singing it has an amazing life. If Jeff Magnus, writer of said lyric, is a friggin crack addict living outside of a dumpster then his sentiment doesn't say much. If that's the case he better love me more than life. It'd be a compliment if he sang "I love you more than crack." That's love. Though, I must commend him for finding the wherewithall to write a song considering his living conditions. In fact it's amazing that he's able to stop thinking about crack long enough to write a song. From that perspective it's pretty sweet. "I love you more than my shitty downward spiraling life, but I was able to stop hussling for a half hour; put down the stolen television I was about to fence; pick up my guitar; and, write you a song."

I'm all a flutter just thinking about it.

**please note I do not mean to imply that Mr. Magnus is a drug addict, I don't know the man. I know people who know him because I'm that cool. Those people I know never mentioned crack. Yes, they did mention crack but not in regards to Mr. Magnus. Nor did those people show any signs of crack use. OK they were kind of skinny. Pretty skinny and never worked out. But I doubt they did crack as these people live in Portland, OR and we all know that meth and heroin are the drugs of choice out there. Not to say they did meth or heroin they never mentioned any such use, again though they were thin and in bands and living in Portland. My father once told me that more people die of drug overdoses than heartattacks in Portland, OR. I thought that meant that most Oregonians were just incredibly fit. Though these muscians were hardly. However, they also aren't dead so who knows.

Just don't sue me**

